Success Story: Mr. M.

Mr. M. is our success story this month! And what a success he is! Mr. M. was quite debilitated upon his admission to this facility. He worked with occupational and physical therapy Mondays through Fridays and even sometimes one day over the weekend! He had wonderful family support, visiting him almost daily and a lovely, lovely granddaughter, Stephanie who also came very frequently. Stephanie gave encouragement and even learned the exercise program for Mr. M.. Anyone who thinks therapy is too easy, should talk to Mr. M. and ask how rigorous therapy, especially physical therapy can be. Cate Raff, who was Mr. M.’s primary physical therapist, put him through the paces to ensure he was as safe as possible to return home. The picture associated with the success story this month was Mr. M. following a exercise in which fall recovery was practiced. It was tough, however bother Cate and Mr. M. were successful! It was wonderful to see how much Mr. M. progressed. He was able to return home with increased mobility and decreased need for activities of daily living! Congratulations Mr. M. and thank-you for coming to Santa Fe Care Center, we enjoyed your company!