Success Story: Bucky G.

Our success story this month, is a gentleman named Reynaldo “Bucky” G. Bucky came to this facility after a hospitalization, and in his own words, “I was really messed up. I didn’t even know what was going on.” Bucky was unable to even get up out of bed the first few days at Santa Fe Care Center without two people helping him, let alone stand up or even take a few steps. Within that first week, Bucky’s confusion began to clear and his therapy intensified, with Bucky beginning standing in the standing frame, completing harder and harder levels on the OmniCycle and NuStep, and advancing to ambulation. His wheelchair was discharged and he ambulated throughout the facility with only a front wheeled walker. Eventually, Bucky walked right out of SFCC, returning to his home with the wonderful support of his wife, sister, mother and the rest of his family who were here daily to support Bucky’s recovery. He said the first thing he was going to do upon returning home… “Take a good long shower!”. Bucky said, “I got really taken care of here…I really got some good help!” He said that the nursing staff, every time they saw him, encouraged him and told him how proud they were of him. Bucky also said, the food was good and that the staff made sure he ate. Bucky…it was our privilege and pleasure to help you heal. We hope to see Bucky in the future…when he comes back for a visit!!