Success Story: Alfonso T.

Alfonso T. began planting seeds when he was 7 years old, growing up at Santo Domingo Pueblo. He learned from his grandfather. Last year when he was in the hospital, he developed a pressure ulcer that would not heal properly. He went to another facility, but they did not take care of him, he said. Someone recommended Santa Fe Care Center, so he transferred here. He says that from the beginning the therapists were working with him and the C.N.A.’s started turning him every two hours to work towards healing the difficult wound. In April of this year, he had his family members bring seeds from Santo Domingo, and he planted a garden in our patio. He planted corn and chili. He says that there is an old saying that you need to be angry when you plant the chili so it will be hot. So he was angry when he planted the chili in April, he says. Even back in May when he was tending the garden, Alfonso said “I won’t be living here when this crop is harvested. I’m going home by then.” Over the months, he watered and hoed and pulled weeds in his garden. Mr. T.’s prediction was correct – He went home at the end of July…very happy with the care that he received here. He said, “You have wonderful C.N.A.’s and the nurses are good too!” Alfonso is one of therapies greatest accomplishments as he couldn’t even stand when he came into SFCC – and he walked out! Also, the wound that was so difficult is now at the stage where it can be cared for at home. We are expecting him to visit sometimes in September to direct the corn and chili harvest.