Letter from the Administrator

Dear Friends and Neighbors at Santa Fe Care Center:
Thank you for allowing us to provide care for you or your loved one. It is our goal to be the best provider of long-term care in Santa Fe. Your feedback helps us, so please let us know what we are doing right or wrong. There are comment cards and a box near the front door.
June 13-19 is the 40th Annual National Nursing Assistants Week. We will be celebrating our 50+ Nursing Assistants during that week, and you are all welcome to join us. Look for flyers announcing that week’s events. The nursing assistants who work here are very much appreciated and admired. On Thursday, June 13, we will honor those C.N.A.’s who have worked in this profession for 5 years or more, and who are considered “Career Nursing Assistants.” We will also be choosing the “C.N.A. of the Year” during that week. If you have someone that you would like to nominate, please let me know. I believe that we have the best caregivers anywhere! Please join me in showing our appreciation this month!
Again, thank you for being here and being part of our fantastic community. My door is always open to you!
Sharon Inoue’
Administrator since January 2016