Success Story: Mrs. C.
Success often times does not happen overnight. Success sometimes takes 23 days, of hard work – exercise, education, nutrition, more exercise, walking, moving, eating, repeat…you get the idea. Sometimes all that is wanted is to return home the moment the doors are opened to the nursing & rehab center. Sometimes, families want to take the resident in need of rehab home right away. Sometimes though, like for Mrs. C, she and her family made the decision to stay… and for 23 days Mrs. C worked hard and in return, Mrs. C went from requiring much assistance to just get out of bed, to walking down the hall with therapy (as pictured Mrs. C and the physical therapy assistant Teresa Montoya taking a beautiful walk in the picture). Mrs. C worked so very hard, AND, so did her supportive wonderful family. Every single day, her family supported her, helped her, participated in carryover exercises that were demonstrated in therapy. Mrs. C, your success is our success and we all here at SFCC appreciate you allowing us to be part of your success story!