Letter from the Administrator

Dear Neighbors, Family and Friends of Santa Fe Care Center:
Thank you for being here and being part
of our community! I appreciate the trust you have placed in us to provide care that is needed.
I am happy to welcome Ben Thomson as our Customer Service Consultant. Ben will be working with all of us for the next 18 months to improve customer satisfaction. We are so fortunate that he was provided a grant to help us out!
This month we are celebrating Food Service Workers Week October 6-12, and National Health Care and Engineering Week October 20-26. I really appreciate our Dietary and Maintenance staff. Please help me show appreciation!
We recently received our annual re-certification survey and it is posted in the front lobby near the Conference Room. Please feel free to read it.
I appreciate your feedback on our services, so please use the “Above and Beyond” nomination cards (located near the bird aviary on Wing 3), Comment Cards (by the front door), or Grievance Form (outside the Conference Room). My door is also open to you if you ever need to talk to me. Again, thank you for allowing us to provide needed care.
Sharon Inoue’
Administrator since January 2016